The Department for Education have a course coming up from 26 to 29 June in Port Augusta (TAFE SA Port Augusta Campus, Carlton Parade, Port Augusta 5700) which currently has 9 places remaining.
Department for Education employees only. Reimbursement for TRT, travel and accommodation may be available – department employees should refer to Plink for further information and to register for the course.
The learning objectives are:
- apply principles and legal requirements of WHS to the technology teaching environment
- safely operate a range of machinery (woodwork and metalwork)
- identify, assess and control hazards when working with machinery in a classroom setting
- introduction to the process of machinery maintenance
- transfer safe operating principles to a range of machines
- select and use appropriate personal protective equipment
For more information contact:
Jennie McDermott
WHS Systems and Project Lead
Work Health and Safety
Department for Education | 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide SA 5000