Wild Fibres and Wildlife PD Opportunity

Please see information regarding some upcoming PD:


Your members may be interested in a forthcoming 3-day workshop being
taught by a guest tutor from the USA. Dawn Edwards is an internationally
renowned artist and teacher who specialises in making highly original
hand-felted hats and vessels inspired by leaves, flowers, lichen and
other forms found in nature.

The workshop is ideally suited for anyone with an interest in art,
design and technology education, as the methods used incorporate:
imagination and design, the use of wool to make hand-felted forms, size
calculation to allow for the 30-40% shrinkage of felt, methods of
constructing vessels and hats using resists, and techniques for moulding
and applying surface embellishments.

More information can be found about this and other workshops at

Many thanks,
Kind regards,

Dr Moira G. Simpson,
Principal, Evocative Arts.