Public School D&T Retraining in the News!

** Update ** 
Please see the clarification below from the Work Force Management team:

Specialist Teacher Workforce Plan

To clarify the initiatives in this new Plan and the pay-rise referenced, please refer to the below messaging:

·       The new Specialist Teacher Workforce Plan sets out approaches to identify and recognise existing specialist teachers within the Department for Education, support specialist teachers with curriculum capability building and strengthen the pipeline of new specialists coming through.

·       It introduces new data capture processes to identify specialists within the system and provides a Specialist Teacher Framework to support teachers to identify professional learning and career progression opportunities aligned to their specialisation.

·       The $16K pay rise for specialist teachers recently alluded to in a media article relates to the opportunity for existing specialist teachers to progress their career and become recognised as an ‘expert specialist’ (in line with the new Specialist Teacher Framework) through the department’s supported National Teacher Certification process.  Nationally certified teachers are eligible for HAT and LT positions which are remunerated at a higher level in recognition to their contributions. 

·       Teachers who retrain by completing Orbis curriculum professional learning or other professional development related to a curriculum specialisation will not automatically be eligible to receive this pay rise.  The pay rise relates specifically to ‘expert specialist’ roles in nationally certified HAT and LT positions. 

Dear DATTA SA Community,

A significant news article on D&T teacher retraining was published today on Adelaide Now.

DATTA SA as an executive will take a moment to unpack a response however please see the article below.

This news follows on from our previous post regarding re-training happening at sites such as Adelaide Botanic HS due to the severe shortage of technology teachers (click here)

We also encourage our members to continue the conversation on our secure forums, accessible to all financial members of DATTA SA (thread here).

Emil Zankov, DATTA SA President