Below is an email sent from David Butcher for distribution to DATTA SA Members
We have secondary students from across the Partnership attending the APY Trade Training Centre in Umuwa to undertake “stackable VET” including Cert 1 in Hospitality, Cert 1 in Construction, Cert II in Automotive Retail Operations from the age of 14.. nearly 15.
Students travel from the communities of Pipalyatjara (4 hr drive), Murputja (3hr drive), Amata (1.5 hr drive), Ernabella (30 min drive), Kenmore Park (30 min drive), Fregon (30 min drive), Mimili (2.5 hr drive), Indulkana (3.5 hr drive), Oak Valley (1 hr via light aircraft or 11 hr drive) and Yalata (2 hr via light aircraft).
The Centre includes commercial kitchen, Construction workshop, engineering workshop and automotive workshop. It also has a separate Seminar room with large interactive touch screen and 10 apple tablets, full broadband, mobile phone coverage (Telstra) and short stay accommodation for 1 lecturer and 24 guests in 12 x 2 bed rooms.
The current arrangement is that an RTO is booked to provide a trainer (fee for service), usually for one week (at least 4 teaching days) at a time, for 2 visits per term (eg Auto in weeks 2 and 6, Hospitality in weeks 3, 5 and 8, and construction in weeks 4 and 7). Each of the eight schools is booked to send a group of eligible students for either 2 or 3 days of the week, with another school sending students for the other 2-3 days of the week. Students come with a class teacher and an Anangu Educator and stay on school excursion conditions (ie under the supervision of their teacher and AE).
The Centre has been very successful over the last 10 years with over 130 students completing Hospitality Certificates and 8 students completing Automotive certificates, with over 1500 students having undertaken skill sets or partial completion. It also runs an annual Cook-Off competition and provides accredited vocational training to local employers and community members.
We are now looking to provide opportunities for secondary students from year 7-9 to attend the APY Trade Training Centre and gain immersive experiences in a broader spectrum of Design and Technology, Home Economics, in a similar vein to those experiences offered to secondary students elsewhere in SA.
Our students don’t normally get to do Design, Technology, Arts etc at secondary level as the Anangu Schools are relatively small and unable to sustain facilities or teacher expertise in these areas.
We hope to excite the students and teachers into delving further into activities that ignite a passion for them, increasing their awareness of a wider variety of potential study and employment pathways, and so that they feel
Examples might include:
- 3d modelling with SketchUp
- Coding (Scratch, Python etc)
- Digital Photography and using Photoshop
- Video recording, editing and sound recording (PY Media at Umuwa have a new purpose built Sound Recording Studio)
- Stop Motion Animation
- Design and make (wood/metal/plastic/3d print/ laser cut)
- Graphic Design / printing
- Entrepreneurial learning
- Robotics / mechatronics
- (insert your subject expertise)
So we are looking for enthusiastic teachers with a relevant field of expertise, who are willing to put together a short (max 10 hrs – minimum 4 hrs ) introductory program that they would be willing to deliver from the APY Trade Training Centre to multiple school groups over a 1 week period. The student co-hort will be a mixture of male and female Anangu students in the age bracket of 12 – 16 years of age. Students will have varying degrees of proficiency in English as another language with their first language being Pitjatjantjara / Yankunjatjara. They will be accompanied by a class teacher and an Anangu Educator with first language / second language translation experience. The students all have experience using computers, smart phones and could put us to shame navigating You-Tube and other social media.
The APY Trade Training Centre will negotiate a fee for service for the visiting teacher that could include airfares to Coober Pedy or Alice Springs, accommodation and meals, with the Anangu Lands Partnership to provide chaperoned travel from Coober Pedy or Alice Springs into Umuwa.
The visiting teacher would need to provide a list of needed equipment, consumable materials, required software and any other known logistical hurdles. Teachers will need to have all usual vaccinations, WWC Check, Responding to Harm, Abuse and neglect, flexibility and interest in experiencing Anangu culture.
Please contact David Butcher via email for initial enquiries.
David Butcher
Further Education and Pathways Manager
Anangu Lands Partnership, Schools and Pre-Schools
Department for Education | 20 Beatty Street Flinders Park SA 5025