Please see below:
In July I have an exhibition of digital and physical artefacts exhibited at the David Roche Foundation in Adelaide. I imagine that the exhibition could be an exciting and artistic introduction to high school students concerning the possibilities of digital design and fabrication technologies. I thought I share the press release with you, am also happy to provide further information if need be, and happy to point out that there is also an afternoon talk on July 22, which will be advertised soon through eventbright.
The exhibition and the talk are free, should whole school classes be interested in visiting I suggest to contact the David Roche Foundation on 08 8267 3677
Rochus Urban Hinkel | BDA, PhD Melb, Dipl.-Ing. AbKS
Associate Professor for Architecture and Design
Co-Director Advanced Digital Design + Fabrication (ADD+F) Research Hub
The works in Doppelgänger and Zombies are based on processes that critically and artistically explore and test the promises and potentials as well as the limitations and handicaps of digital technologies. Exquisite physical and digital artifacts are developed and fabricated, using 3D scanning and printing, CNC milling, 360 degrees photography, photogrammetry, digital modelling, rendering and image manipulation software, algorithms as well as augmented and virtual reality. As auctions played an important role in the assembly of David Roche’s collection, a selection of digitally crafted artworks will be offered during a live auction in the gallery.
Arts, crafts, design and fabrication have shifted dramatically in the Digital Age. From New Materials, Avatars, Crypto Currencies, GANs, Metaverse, and Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs), to Lidar Scanning, Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR), and Additive Manufacturing – all are expressions of the potentials of 21st century’s digital technologies and platforms. These technologies enable the creation of bespoke artifacts and explicit archetypes, parallel and alternate realities, imagining and curating other versions and interpretations of our world, arousing awe and astonishment.